Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Guide Comparison


It isn’t hard to find a guide to the Elder Scrolls Online but it can be hard to find one that’s of high quality and meets all the necessary requirements for gamer of all levels. Of course it does not only need to be well written, concise, and complete, but it also needs to be the right price for its quality level. Instead of searching the internet for hours, slogging through the muck and the mire of the wannabe guides that just touch the basic of the game, we’ve selected some of the better guides available for the Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight class to save you the trouble. Each of these guides has its own merits, making some of them more suitable for you depending on exactly what you’re looking for. This list will break down how detailed they are, what strategies they include, if they’re up to date, and if they’re worth the price.

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Guide

elder svrolls online dragonknight guideFor $29.99, this unofficial elder scrolls online dragonknight guide is available for instant download and includes all future updates (users will get a notification when there’s an update). The writers of this guide promise players the ability to get your Dragonknight level 50 in just 7 days or less. The guide has a class specific breakdown that’s easy to learn with step-by-step layout and skill rotations to defeat an enemy smoothly. Get this guide by quickly making money online. Become a part of the affiliate program at Sports Interaction Casino and benefit from advertising their business on your social media or personal blog. Spend the reward you receive on the latest Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight guide or any other way you want.

Given in the guide is also the Dragonknight build proven by advanced gamers for players who aren’t well versed in builds. Later on, you can strategize your own builds and become a more independent player. As soon as you turn the game on, the guide helps you develop and hone your skills and shows you where to find the gear to help you succeed in the game.

This unofficial manual is fairly newbie friendly since it’s step by step but it does have some perks if you’re more seasoned. It helps you whatever your goal is and builds an easy to follow framework for those who want to go past level 50.


bundle-medThis elder scrolls online guide is written by an Elder Scrolls player who wants a guide that knows the ins and outs of the game and gives sound strategies for players. The writer wants to remain true to the game’s spirit and has left some parts of the game open ended with various combinations to suit each individual player. The guide shows areas where players can explore further while still providing you with a rock solid foundation that allows for completely personalized character and gaming experience.

If players follow the guide’s strategies, they can reach level 50 in about a week’s time, making this good for beginners. However, the open ended aspect in some places of this guide may make this overwhelming or distracting to new players who just want a streamlined “here’s how to get from A to B” guide. It does detail a good portion of what not to do’s (including avoiding “illegal” mistakes that will get you banned) so if you’re a newbie, this guide can be very good in keeping you in line with the Elder Scrolls etiquette.

The guide is kept up to date so every time there is a game up date, you’re just a short download away from having a completely updated guide. With a 60 day money back guarantee, this guide is worth the purchase price.


eso-mastery-guides-220x220This eso mastery guides are a safe bet for newbie players as it provides a free beginner’s guide. The beginner’s guide has helpful tips for newbies to build new skills upon so they have a better chance at becoming more independent and being able to strategize as they progress in the game.

Containing in the guide is a leveling path to level 50 that’s laid out for easy following. Some maps and walk-throughs of each are included for dungeon quests and there are locations of valuable items (like Skyshards and Mundus Stones).

The strongest part of the guide is maps and routes to find and obtain various crafting materials and to help you find bonus crafting stations. The weak point if this guide is quite expensive. The total guide set could cost up for more than $200.

Final Verdict

All of these guides have their selling points and while they all cover the basics, each one of them focuses on one area more than the other. When you’re looking for a guide, play the game for a while and decide what you want most out of the game. Is it becoming a craftsman or merchant? Is it reaching level 50 as fast as possible? Or is it going through the game with just the basics to help you dive more deeply into the innards of this game? Knowing what your end goal is will help you decide which guide is the wisest to invest in. It doesn’t matter your gaming level; newbie or seasoned pro, each of these guides will be beneficial in their own way to anyone who decides to buy them. Don’t go for titles like “#1” or “the best”; instead focus on what you want and find a guide that will fit that and your budget. Happy Gaming!

Dragonknight Suggested Builds for Imperial City

Dragon knight 2

Dragonknight builds that will perform well while soloing and leveling in Elder Scrolls Online. This guide will attempt to cover two popular weapon setups mixed which is proper for battling in Imperial City.. There is no “best” build in the Elder Scrolls Online since the game’s class system encourages flexibility and customization. As such, this build is a suggestion.

PvP and PvE builds for Dragonknights should both have a decent amount of survivability and ways to control enemies and control the flow of combat. Both melee and ranged options are important.

This build is also also meant to be a loose guide and should be customized to fit your individual needs and playstyle. Utility abilities, for example, are completely customizable.

Listed below are two example active skill sets for pure PvE and two for pure PvP. Each set will contain two different types of weapons for the sake of variety. The sky’s the limit when it comes to builds in ESO, so remember to use this to your advantage!

Passive skills will not be listed below. As a general rule of thumb, grab any class passives and weapon passives you can, then branch out to other passives that fit any builds you commonly use.

Dragon knight 4

PvE Tank/PvP Powerhouse: Sword/Shield and 2-Hander

This build will focus primarily on tanking PvE encounters but will be equipped to handle solo situations well and also function in PvP as an unstoppable defender. The build’s primary weapon set will be a sword and shield, but switching to a 2-hander will give the DK access to greater flexibility. While tanking, this build will excel at single target encounters where AoE isn’t needed yet maximum survivability and mitigation is.

Primary Weapon Set: Sword and shield
Secondary Weapon Set: Two-handed sword/mace/axe
Armor Type: Heavy

Suggested Attributes: A mixture of Stamina, Magicka and Health as needed for leveling, and pure Health for endgame.

Primary Weapon Set Active Abilities

Fiery Grip -> Empowering Chains (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)
Puncture -> Ransack (One Hand and Shield)
Stonefist -> Stone Giant (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Obsidian Shield -> Igneous Shield (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Dragon Blood -> Coagulating Blood (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)

These are your primary tanking abilities and survivability cooldowns best used while equipping a sword and shield and taking heavy damage.

Magma Armor -> Corrosive Armor (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)

Secondary Weapon Set Active Abilities

Searing Strike -> Burning Embers (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)
Spiked Armor -> Armor (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)
Immovable -> Unstoppable (Heavy Armor)
Critical Charge -> Critical Rush (Two-Handed Weapon)
Dark Talons -> Burning Talons (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)

These are abilities that deal a little more damage and are more solo-oriented and PvP-oriented in nature. There are also a few cooldowns here. Using this set while tanking to deal a little more damage and establish threat also isn’t a bad idea.

Dragonknight Standard -> Standard of Might (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)

Primary Passive Abilities:

Dragonknight – Ardent Flame
Kindling (II), Warmth (II), Searing Heat (II), World in Flame (II)

Dragonknight – Draconic Power
Iron Skin (II), Burning Heart (II), Elder Dragon (II), Scaled Armor (II)

Dragonknight – Earthen Heart
Eternal Mountain (II), Battle Roar (II), Mountain’s Blessing (II), Helping Hands (II)

Two Handed
Forceful (II), Heavy Weapons (II), Balance (II), Arcane Fighter (II), Battle Rush (II)

One Hand and Shield
Fortress (II), Sword and Board (II), Deflect Bolts (II), Battlefield Mobility (II)

Heavy Armor
Resolve (III), Constitution (II), Juggernaut (II), Bracing (II), Rapid Mending (II)

Other suggested options for Dragonknight builds include bow DPS builds, dual wield DPS builds, destruction staff DPS builds and restoration staff/dual wield healing builds. Remember you can mix and match two weapon sets in a build to either maximize one particular build or play more of a hybrid role in either PvP or PvE.

Dragon knight 3

Ranged PvP Dragonknight Nuker/Emergency Healer

This Dragonknight build makes use of two ranged options– the destruction staff and the restoration staff– to nuke down opponents, survive under pressure and support their teammates. It’s a bit of a non-standard build, but extremely viable for PvP and for most PvE situations as well.

Primary Weapon Set: Fire destruction staff
Secondary Weapon Set: Restoration staff

Armor Type: A mixture of heavy and light armor

Suggested Attributes: Health > Magicka > Stamina

Primary Weapon Set Active Abilities:

Searing Strike -> Unstable Flame (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)
Destructive Touch -> Destructive Clench (Destruction Staff)
Stonefist -> Stone Giant (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Reflective Scale -> Reflective Plate (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)
Dragon Blood -> Coagulated Blood (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)

Meteor -> Ice Comet (Mages Guild)

These is your damage weapon set. Use this to initiate combat, set up DoTs, apply crowd control and apply burst damage when it’s needed. It also has a couple of healing/damage reflection cooldwns.

Secondary Weapon Set Active Abilities:

Molten Weapons -> Igneous Weapons (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Obsidian Shield -> Igneous Shield (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Immovable -> Unstoppable (Heavy Armor)
Blessing of Protection -> Combat Prayer (Restoration Staff)
Entropy -> Degeneration (Mages Guild)

Magma Armor -> Magma Shell (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)

Use this set when you need to throw out emergency heals to yourself or your group. You also have a few survivability cooldowns and damage reflection abilities. Additionally, you have one DoT ability you should throw out whenever you get a chance to do so.

Dragon knight 1

PvE Dragonknight Ranged/Melee Durable DPS

This build uses a two-handed weapon and a bow to be as flexible as possible for PvE encounters. It focuses on pure damage but also self-survivability. There will be fights when melee is not practical, and this is where the bow flexibility will shine. This build should also be able to off-tank in a pinch.

Primary Weapon Set: Two-handed weapon
Secondary Weapon Set: Bow

Armor Type: A mixture of heavy and medium (mostly heavy)

Suggested Attributes: Stamina > Health > Magicka

Primary Weapon Set Active Abilities:

Searing Strike -> Unstable Flame (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)
Critical Charge -> Stampede (Two-Handed)
Spiked Armor -> Volatile Armor (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)
Dark Talons -> Burning Talons (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)
Dragon Blood -> Coagulating Blood (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)

Magma Armor -> Corrosive Armor (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)

This is your melee set which you should use whenever it’s safe to dive into melee range. You have a combat initiator and a few mitigation/self-heal cooldowns as well.

Secondary Weapon Set Active Abilities:

Ash Cloud -> Cinder Storm (Dragonknight – Earthen Heart)
Reflective Scale -> Reflective Fire Scale (Dragonknight – Draconic Power)
Poison Arrow -> Venom Arrow (Bow)
Volley -> Scorched Earth (Bow)
Snipe -> Focused Aim (Bow)

Dragonknight Standard -> Standard of Might (Dragonknight – Ardent Flame)

Use this set whenever you need to stay at range. This set may also be best for AoEing packs of mobs.

ESO Dragonknight Guide to Tank in Dungeons

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.


Tanking in this game, there is one important aspect that is basically different than in most MMO games. A player will do well to remember them. In Tamriel world, when talking about tanking the first class that pops up in people’s is Dragon Knight. If you like the tank role, here is some useful tips for your Dragon Knight.

Active Blocking

In this game, blocking is an active process. It doesn’t simply mean you will have a certain percentage to block an attack when equipping a shield. For it to even be more effective, you actually have to physically block it. If not, it’s just another armor and attribute boost.

A good tank will always block the attack, rather than soak up the damage with armor, after they have tanked or are tanking something. That is what it means to actively block.

If your group is having problems with a certain boss, it alos usually means that your tank is not blocking a certain direct damage effect or AoE that, otherwise, can be effectively avoided. Block still works even if the origin of the damage is magical in nature. By using block, even a Sorcerer can mitigate incoming damage by using block.

The red circles of death is another thing you should really watch out for, especially as a tank in dungeons. The bosses usually have this primed for special attack that hit for a lot of damage, thus you really need to watch out for these in dungeons. At the very least, block them, if you can’t really avoid them.

It is very easy to tank a boss. Aside from solid tank build, it’s as simple as having Puncture on your ability bar. When someone managed to draw aggro, or at any time you feel like doing so, use it.

Dungeon Abilities:

  1. Puncture morphed into Pierce Armor
  2. Dark Talons morphed into Choking Talons
  3. Molten Weapons morphed into Molten Armaments
  4. Obsidian Shield morphed into Igneous Shield
  5. Dragon Blood morphed into Green Dragon Blood

Skill rotation:

  1. Use Obsidian Shield.
  2. As you are about to connect with the first mob, use Molten Weapons so as to benefit from the Critical Strike buff.
  3. Puncture the first mob you meet.
  4. Root everyone in place and debuff them by Choking Talons.
  5. When your group mates will start charging to rebuff the critical strike buff, use Molten Weapons.
  6. So as to draw aggro on yourself, Puncture everything you can.
  7. You will need to start blocking at this point. And to help your healer, use Dragon Blood.
  8. Keep using Puncture on mobs that are not aggroing you.
  9. Rotate between Molten Weapons – Obsidian Shield – Choking Talons while blocking, and keep using Puncture on mobs that are not on you.

This should work perfectly with mobs coming in groups. However, when dealing with bosses, they are too powerful and using Talons of them will prove useless as they can’t be affected. Use Dragon Blood, and try to conserve your magicka instead for when and if you are in a bind. All the while rotating between Molten Weapons and Obsidian Shield, and also blocking or doing light attacks.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

Leveling Addons That are a Must-Have in ESO

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this eso guide . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.



There are people who do not want to use addons for their MMO, but they are, in fact, essential for leveling faster in this case. It is easy to apply and use them in Elder Scrolls Online.

All you need to do is to install a program called Minion. As soon as the program starts, select Elder Scrolls Online being the game you wish to find addons for. Install the items listed below. Take note that the program will do the installing for you and the addons will work with no problems thereafter. Most likely, an error window will open when you start the game. You can either dismiss ir close it, as the addons will work just fine. The addons can be applied to all class.

  1. Foundry Tactical Combat
    This mod not only give you more approximate values of your and your enemies’ health, magicka and stamina, it also displays your damage dealt. You can also see how many seconds you have left on a buff or debuff and it’s just fantastic. Debuffs are shown below the NPC’s you are attacking, and buffs below your attributes bar.
  2. Multi-Quest Tracker
    This displays all of your active quests, thus allowing you to have a list anywhere on the screen you chose to move it to. To move through the quests and make them active, use the default “T”.
  3. ZrMiniMap
    This is considered by many as the most useful Mod for this game. It enables you to see all of the things that are on the map and find them more easily, by giving you a minimap. This also works great with Skyshards.

    However if you are doing PvP in Cyrodiil, the only place where you can PvP, you should be aware of a small issue with this mod. This mod bugs out the map in a way that you will not be able to zoom it out, therefore, you will not be able to use Transit Shrines. Disable this mod and use the Reload UI button in the Addons settings if you are doing PvP.

  4. Skyshards
    This is a must-have mod. It is necessary to find all the skyshards in every map that you are leveling on. If you are having difficulty finding them, there are also tips as to where these shards are on the map.

There are other addons available and many other programs out there. But the above are some of the most efficient we have found so far.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

Recommended PvE Solo Build for ESO Dragonknight

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.


When you are able to equip some of the higher tier abilities for solo questing, this build is feasible for higher level 40-50+. You should be able to take on very large groups without dying with this build.

This is how your ability bar should look like:

  1. Shield Charge
  2. Inferno morphed into Sea of Flames
  3. Inhale morphed into Draw Essence
  4. Dragon Blood for self healing.
  5. Fiery Breath

A simple rotation would be:

  1. Shield Charge
  2. Inferno
  3. Fiery Breath
  4. Start Bashing
  5. Inhale
  6. Blood dragon when in a bind

Dual Wield Skill Rotation

If your preferred role is not a tank but you wish to play DK in a group with friends, or if you wish to be a damage dealer and want to play a Dragonknight, your basic go-to is Dual Wield. This build will not only give you good crowd control, self-healing, and survival abilities, it will also ensure AoE damage across the board. And since the Dunmer (Dark Elf) is the only race with added bonus to experience gain for Dual Wielding, this build works best for them.

The skills on your ability bar for this build should be:

  1. Blood Craze – In this setup, this is your main ability. And since Flurry (your second) is quite expensive, you will need this during those times that Flurry is out.
  2. Flurry – This can ut down your targets very fast and you can consider this to be your main damage ability. It is important to remember, however, not to use it when the NPC is about to attack you. That way, your DPS will not be maximal as it will get interrupted.
  3. Burning Embers – Not only does this DoT have decent damage, it also heals your when its effect ends.
  4. Razor Armor – Get increased armor at the same time as adding physical damage to your attackers . Since you will most likely be under attack by multiple opponents constantly, you will need this more often.
  5. Burning Talons – This can allow you some breathing space by immobilizing nearby enemies, thus getting you out of a bind. If you want enemies to be immobilized in PvP, this works great for immobilizing them. Unlike a mage that can cast stuff to an area, a dual wielder is the center out of which all damage comes from. Therefore, this can help you deal the most damage.

For this build, the rotation are:

  1. Burning Embers – In order for you to get the self heal, you may wany to use this ability first to make sure it lasts until the end.
  2. Blood Craze
  3. Flurry

If you are using Dragon Leap instead of Dragonknight Standard as your ultimate, there is much that can be gained if you decide to use this build for PvP. A simple explanation. Your enemies will usually be smart enough to move out of the Standard’s AoE area fast when in PvP. But they cannot block or dodge the damage from leap. So, leap will still serve you better although the standard can be moved later. Always use the standard for PvE, no exceptions.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

Dragonknight Guide to PvP Build

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

The Jack of all Trades
This build eliminates the need to re-assign different skills to your hotkey bar. In other words, it include skills that will benefit your gameplay at any given point. This build requires the Dunmer race to have a high resistance to fire because fire is the most common damage type in both PvE and PvP settings. This race also boosts your fire damage and increases DPS on fire-based attacks. Examples of fire attacks include banner, flame whip, impulse, and searing strike. All of these moves are practical for PvP and reinforces the need for this damage buff. The general consensus is that a Dragonknight’s most effective move for dealing damage to other players is the fire ballistae.

First, put 49 points into Health. You can regain stamina and health by using potions that increase spell crit, restore both stamina and health. You can use most enchants until you get one of the rarer VR enchants; enchants don’t matter too much. Equip two dominion rings in your jewelry slots. These rings along with the Destroy Staff give you an added 10 percent in spell crit bonus. Other passive abilities include a 70 point increase in health.

Cost Reduction vs. Magicka Regeneration
Cost reduction is generally more useful than magicka regeneration. This is because you can regenerate magicka through eating food. Furthermore, most fights do not last long enough for you to benefit from regenerating magicka. That is, in most cases you will cast your spells and not have enough time to regenerate mana. Thus, it is better for you to have some extra casts through cost reduction instead of gaining more casts through regeneration.

The Dominion Heavy Armor gives you various bonuses depending on how many pieces you wear. This armor gives you 160 health at three pieces, 5 percent damage reduction from other players at four pieces, and a 20 percent reduction from siege and player AoE damage.

Shield Charge allows you to prevent others from damaging you and your group. It interrupts their positioning which indirectly leads to less damage on your group. Caltrops, despite having a big cost in stamina, coupled with Choking Talons make it easy to set up on choke points and allows any impulsers on your team to deal extra damage. Flame Whip works with the boost in fire damage discussed earlier. The Dragonknight’s Ultimate guide, Werewolf Transformation, is useful for its passive abilities and not its active.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

dragonknight fiery reach

Killer Guides: A Must-Have Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Guide

Even though I’ve been dabbling in Dragonknights for quite a while now, I’m always on the look out for better builds, easier leveling and improved PvP tactics. When I heard about Killer Guides coming out with an Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight guide, I actually pre-ordered the guide (yes, they had a pre-order for it!). Below I’m describing my impressions of it after I received the actual guide.


Since KillerGuides only focuses on MMOs, I knew that I am getting specialized guide that is written by a group of dedicated professionals who know this game genre very well. Since I have been following Elder Scrolls Online non-stop since the first Beta was released (and especially any DK developments), I always considered myself reasonably knowledgeable about the game. This said, it came as a bit of a surprise, that the book, challenged several ideas I had about how to handle the class in PvE and PvP. Which I consider a very good thing – it would have been of much less use if it only confirmed what I already knew.

elder svrolls online dragonknight guide


With the help of KillerGuides’ Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Guide, I was surprisingly able to implement a noticeable boost in leveling. Without the guide, it would have taken me at least twice as long to reach the next level. After some hesitation, I fully implemented the provided tactics and followed their laid out leveling path and it definitely seems to pay off. This guide taught me how to utilize the Dragonknight’s most effective moves and spells so I was able to rapidly defeat my enemies one after another. I’ve played every MMO and used almost every guides on the market today. But this guide easily has one of the most detailed sections on Leveling I have read so far.


Sometimes I find myself worried if I am choosing the right skills for my Dragonknight. If I start down the wrong path on a skill tree, I might regret my choices later on. The guide takes the guess work out of this. KillerGuides took me through the entire skill line piece by piece. They cover all the advanced knowledge that helped me maximize the effectiveness of my skill rotations. This guide also outlines the positives and negatives of each skill, so I could decide which ones are the best for my playing style.

Pro Builds

Even though I’ve spent a significant amount of time in other MMOs, every game is different. It always takes some time to get used to a new game no matter how experienced you are. But with the powerful build provided in the guide, I felt familiarizing yourself with the game and this specific class was a lot faster.

Some of the information was common knowledge, but it would really help newbie players that want to build their Dragonknight to match the pros. The KillerGuides’ Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Guide has a number of suggestions on character builds that other professionals would tend to use.


Player vs. Player combat (PvP) is another main reason I play the Elder Scrolls Online . I love fighting NPCs, but there is nothing like cutting down another person’s character. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw that they have an entire section dedicated to mastering PvP in this guide. Unfortunately they don’t reveal character names, but I’d be really curious to see who the author is in-game. Because from what I can tell, he must be one of the top ranked DKs (or very, very familiar with them). It’s a solid guide that lays out the fundamentals of the class in PvP before diving well into the details, showing you the little nifty tricks that you can pull on 1-on-1s and how you can even do better in a mindless zerg (where you’d think individual tactics wouldn’t matter much)..

Endgame Gear

Elder Scrolls Online gives you access to sweet endgame gear that is only unlocked once you reach max level. The game really starts to get fun once all that gear opens up. Whether I use my Dragonknight for PvP, PvE, or soloing, this guide showed me how to find and utilize the most powerful endgame weapons, armor, and items in the entire Elder Scrolls Online world.

Is This Guide Worth The Money?

To make it short: This guide is one of the best deals out there. Once I saw the results, and after my Dragonknight reached max level in only a week, I became convinced that the ESO Guide is among the best deals available to ESO gamers. Especially since all future updates will be available without any cost. I am looking forward to receive the next free update already! You can get your own a copy of the guide here.


Elder Scrolls Online Class Overview

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

One of the most crucial decisions you have to make when you are creating a character to use in the Elder Scrolls Online is choosing which class to play. This is important not only for your enjoyment of the game but also because as an MMO game, it will have an impact on your usefulness to other players.

While Elder Scrolls Online is not as strict as other MMOs in the same genre when it comes to weapon and armor selection, your freedom to select gear makes the special abilities of each class doubly important. Your future development as a player will be determined by your initial choice of which class to play. You may find yourself locked out of certain skill trees based on your decision.

The four classes to choose from are:

Dragon Knight

The classes are just about evenly distributed in popularity, and there is a lot to like about each one. Templar is the most popular by a narrow margin and the Dragon Knight lags behind the others in terms of popularity. Which you choose will be heavily influences by the way you play the game.

Dragon Knight

You should play the Dragon Knight if you are looking for a tank. Tanking is a time-honored gaming tradition where one player runs forward to challenge opponents in melee combat while other characters perform actions from afar that do much more damage. The skill lines of the Dragon Knight lend itself well to this. Its Draconic Power skill line is basically tanking at a push of a button, making them very effective in melee combat. The Earthen Heart abilities will allow your Dragonknight to soak up a lot of damage, making this class the ideal tank.


While tanking has its place in the game, it is not the only way to play. The closest that you are going to get to a buffer/debuffer in Elder Scrolls Online is the Sorcerer. Buffing and debuffing is a style of play where you make yourself or your allies more effective while your enemies are stripped of their effectiveness. Mage and Sorcerer types in MMOs are often like glass cannons that can deal a lot of damage but are very fragile, but the Sorcerer does not fall in that category. While your Storm Calling ability will deal massive damage, the Sorcerer also is very adept at self-buffing to match the requirements of close combat. They also have some buffs that can add to the effectiveness of your allies. They are an exceptional debuffer, with their Dark Magic abilities cursing your enemies to mediocrity. In addition, Sorcerers can spam your opponents with summoned monsters who can tank for them while they are working their sabotage on enemy attributes.


The Templar is best used in a support position, as they have a vast array of skills that make them equally suited to keeping other classes on their feet. They are the only class that can heal, and this is an essential skill in the course of Elder Scrolls Online battles. Healing damage of your designated tank can make him basically immortal for as long as your spells hold out. This crucial role is what makes the Templar the most popular character choice.


The Nightblade is a wild-card type of character that can make a big impact on the success or failure of a battle. However, they are not well suited to tanking and not as valuable in support as Templars or Sorcerers. Where the Nightblade really excels is in sneaking around and attacking your enemies with lethal force. They may be weak and difficult to play at low levels but at high levels, their Assassination skills make them a must-have for any group. They are basically a character that can jump out of the shadows, tip the scale in a party’s favor, and disappear back in the darkness.

ESO Class Overview

No matter which character class you choose, be careful to balance their abilities. Maxing out a particular skill or attribute may look good on paper but will have consequences down the line and lock you out of some of the most useful skills in the game.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

Elder Scrolls Online Dragonknight Class Guide in Group Gameplay

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

Dragonknights are well known to be one of the most powerful warriors here at Elder Scrolls Online. Although the solo gameplay of these warrior types can be fierce, Dragonknights can also be played well in a group. The Dragonknight class can be specially trained for a group or solo gameplay. To build your character to be fit for group gameplay, however, you must consider the race, the skill tree, and some gameplay strategies.

eso group artwork

Health restoration and regeneration are important for your character when playing for group mode; you would be needed to increase your teammates’ strength and defenses without worrying too much on health. The suggested races for tanking build would be Nord, Khajiit, and Orc. They all have Robust for one of their natural race abilities. This specific ability allows them to regenerate their health by 5% while in combat.

The recommended eso dragonknight skill tree to follow would be the Earthen Heart. Many of the attacks may be long range, but you are also allowed to somehow disable and slow down your enemies. That way, you and your allies, especially the elder scrolls nightblade, would be able to work together as a team and take every single one of the enemies down.

The Stonefist and Molten Weapons skills under the Earthen Heart skill tree will both play important roles in gameplay strategy. Since Stonefist not only damages but also knocks out an enemy for a couple of seconds, you can use this attack on multiple enemies and give your teammates a chance to finish these enemies off. The Molten Weapons skill would be best used right before and throughout the entire battle. Using this and Stonefist in a group in this special manner is sure to help you and your team grow.

Another skill to unlock after Molten Weapon is Obsidian Shield. This skill should be used in the same way as the Molten Weapon skill. The final two attacks you can unlock are the Petrify and Ash Cloud skills. These are the two skills will that disable your enemies. It could probably depend on your enemy, but using these two skills interchangeably in some sort of pattern can also count for a good eso dragonknight guide. For example, you could use the Petrify skill first and use Stonefist on most if not all of the enemies. The enemies your teammates have not finished off that are fit to attack again can get hit by your Ash Cloud attack.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.


Guide to Play ESO Dragonknight Solo

The info below is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this manual. It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.

The Dragonknight class in The Elder Scrolls Online will be one of the strongest solo classes in the game. It might even be the strongest solo class in the game. This is due to the combined killing power, AoE potential and survivability powers of the class. Dragonknights will be able to swap between two weapons during combat which will help them when it comes to choosing how to initiate combat and how to survive when under pressure.gameplay eso

To play the Dragonknight solo, you will want to choose a build that provides plenty of killing power but also a strong dose of survivability, crowd control and/or self-heals. This class has a particularly easy time with choosing a build that suits this combination since each skill line focuses on one of those elements. The Ardent Flame skill line is suited for straight DPS but also does a large amount of AoE DPS. This makes it extremely useful for soloing. There will be many situations where you’ll want to kill more than one enemy at a time.

The Draconic Power skill line is the tanking skill line, but for Dragonknights who are pure soloers, you may wish to take advantage of some of the tanking active abilities and passive abilities while solo. Many do not require the use of a shield. There are even a few self-heals in this tree. The final tree, the Earthen Heart skill tree, gives Dragonknights some interesting options for crowd control, survivability and group buffs that might be useful.

Auriels BowAs far as choosing which abilities to use while solo, you will want to focus largely on DPS abilities from Ardent Flame and mix in a few others that compliment those well. You may wish to use a sword/shield for your secondary weapon set in order to have a setup that can survive well under pressure or you may wish to equip a secondary DPS weapon along with some crowd control abilities for when the going gets tough for your better eso leveling experience. Either way, you will want to focus on DPS but also have ways in which to avoid combat or survive a beating from multiple groups of mobs.

It may also be a good idea to equip a bow or staff to utilize some ranged abilities. Ranged abilities often help speed up combat while solo due to the fact that many mobs do harmful AoE abilities that can be difficult to soak while in melee range. It’s also easier to tag mobs as ranged.

The info above is a bit out of date as it refers to the beta. If you happen to be looking for an up-to-date reference for your Dragonknight, I suggest this walkthrough . It includes some killer advice on leveling up, builds, skill rotation, and gold farming.